
Percentage Calculator

What is percentage (p%) of x?

Value of p%
Value of x

y =

x is what percent of y?

Value of x
Value of y

p =

x is p% of what?

Value of x
Value of p%

y =

What is x increased/decreased by p%?

Value of x
Is x an increase or decrease of p%?
Value of p%

y =

This Percentage Calculator can help you calculate the percentages between two number values. Calculate percentages and unknowns using percent formulas. Solve the equations or add or subtract a percentage from a number.

How to calculate Percentage?

First Percentage Calculator: What is percentage (p%) of x?


Example: What is 3.63% of 463.26?

Step 1: Plug into formula

y = (463.26 * 0.0363) / 100

Step 2: Solve the multiplication in the numerator

y = (16.816338) / 100

Step 3: Solve the division to find y

y = 0.16816338

Second Percentage Calculator: x is what percent of y?


Example: 34 is what percent of 943.22?

Step 1: Plug into formula

p = (34 * 100) / 943.22

Step 2: Solve the multiplication in the numerator

p = 3400 / 943.22

Step 3: Solve the division to find p and add percent (%) at the end

p = 3.60%

Third Percentage Calculator: x is p% of what?


Example: 10 is 40% of what?

Step 1: Plug into formula

y = (10 / 0.40) * 100

Step 2: Solve the division

y = 0.25 * 100

Step 3: Solve the multiplication to find y

y = 25

Fourth Percentage Calculator: What is x increased/decreased by p%?


Example 1: What is 15 increased by 50%?

Step 1: Plug into formula

If x an increase of p%: p% = (p% / 100) * 100. If x a decrease of p%: p% = -(p% / 100) * 100.

y = 15 * ((100 + 50) / 100)

Step 2: Solve the addition in the numerator of the division

y = 15 * (150 / 100)

Step 3: Solve the division

y = 15 * 1.5

Step 4: Solve the multiplication to find y

y = 22.5

Example 2: What is 24.34 decreased by 26.7%?

Step 1: Plug into formula

If x an increase of p%: p% = (p% / 100) * 100. If x a decrease of p%: p% = -(p% / 100) * 100.

y = 24.34 * ((100 - 26.7) / 100)

Step 2: Solve the addition in the numerator of the division

y = 24.34 * (73.3 / 100)

Step 3: Solve the division

y = 24.34 * 0.733

Step 4: Solve the multiplication to find y

y = 17.84122